About Dr. Zach Bush
Zach Bush MD is a physician specializing in internal medicine, endocrinology and hospice care. He is an internationally recognized educator and thought leader on the microbiome as it relates to health, disease and food systems.
Episode Highlights
2:08- Dr. Bush discusses the microbiome, why it's important and why it's become a “buzz” word in our society plus the difference between viruses and the microbiome.
10:43- The biggest ways we degrade our microbiome as a society and culture.
14:52- Dr. Bush talks probiotics, the concern of mono-cultures growing in your gut, why diversity in your gut is important, regaining a flourishing microbiome and the best cleaning practices to support a diverse microbiome.
24:01- The concern of parks and schools being sprayed with pesticides and an intro to the non-profit
Farmer’s Footprint.
30:00- The vulnerability in our food systems, immune systems and high pollution levels affecting COVID in some areas.
32:20- Dr. Bush speaks to his product
Ion Biome and other products in development.
50:50- Dr. Bush digs into
Farmer’s Footprint and how we can assist farmers by teaching others the importance of regenerative farming.
57:31- The gut-brain connection, the blood-brain barrier, mental conditions in children and how it all is connected to the world's toxic load.
1:05:33- The benefits of
Ion Biome, how the product empowers your body to heal itself. Dr. Bush tells a story of a patient who immediately saw the benefits of
Ion Biome.