Homemade Pumpkin Spiced Pecan Milk
By Linda Wagner |

Did you know that you can make your own Nut Milk at home in about 5 minutes? It is so easy and cost effective!
You can use any nut or seed that you like: almond, walnut, sunflower, hemp, hazelnut, sesame, pumpkin, or even pecan (which is what I used for this recipe for pumpkin spiced pecan milk).
I make unsweetened almond milk ALL the time. It’s so versatile and makes a wonderful replacement for cow’s milk in anything from mashed potatoes (use unsweetened) to chocolate smoothies (can be naturally sweetened for this one)!!
This time I decided to mix it up and use some local Texas pecans I got from a lovely friend to make a pumpkin spiced pecan milk - perfect hot or cold in the winter.
Homemade nut milks also make a healthy and unique gift. It’s a nice change from the usual bottle of wine.
I gave this bottle of pumpkin spiced pecan milk to a friend who was recently hosting Sunday Brunch.
You can have some fun and season your milks anyway you like by adding honey, vanilla stevia, or maple syrup and spices like cinnamon, nutmeg, or pure cocoa extract!

Homemade Pecan Milk
You’ll need:- 1 cup raw pecans
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
- 2 pitted dates OR 2 Tbs honey, or maple syrup, OR a dropper of liquid stevia (optional)
- tiny pinch of sea salt (the salt actually brings out the sweetness!)
- 1-2 Tbs pumpkin pie spice (optional but SO GOOD for winter)
- 5 cups purified water
In a blender, simply blend all ingredients together in a high speed blender until smooth.

Then pour the mixture through a nut milk bag or a paint-straining bag. You can get 1 gallon paint-straining bags for $1 at your local Lowe’s or Home Depot.
Squeeze the remaining liquid through the bag and voilà, you are left with a lovely nut milk!! Save the pulp for later to use in desserts, smoothies, or veggie patties. Your nut milk will last about 5 days in the fridge.
- Soaking your nuts in water for 4-8 hours before hand will release their enzymes. This is recommended for more nutrition, but not mandatory.
- For a simple, unflavored version, simply blend water + nuts only.
- You can use ANY nut or seed that you like: almond, cashew, walnut, sunflower, hemp, hazelnut, sesame, pumpkin, pecan, macadamia, etc.
- If you prefer the taste of skim milk, add more water. For a whole milk or cream consistency, use less water.
- Have fun experimenting with spices and flavors. You could add cinnamon, nutmeg, chocolate, vanilla, mint, anise, chai spices, coconut…the possibilities are endless!
- If you don’t have a nut milk or paint straining bag, have no fear! Simply let the mixture stand for 10-15 mins. The pulp will naturally separate and sink to the bottom.