Our Non-Toxic Baby Registry

By Kelly Love |

Our Non-Toxic Baby Registry

We know preparing for a new baby can be as overwhelming as it is exciting.

Unfortunately, just searching “non-toxic baby items” on Google doesn’t always bring you the best results, and a lot of blogs touting the best “natural” items don’t define specific criteria to make you feel confident in purchasing. 

We hope that this list gives you a guide to get started, and we encourage you to advocate for yourself and your baby when deciding on potential products to bring into your home. It is crucial to ensure these companies continue to hold steady to their current standards.

There are many great products out there; we definitely do not claim to have researched them all, and this is not meant to be a full review of everything. We used babylist.com for our own registries, because it allows you to register items from any website.  

If you are interested in an item that isn’t on our list, we have created this vetting resource to help you navigate if the product is safe for your child. 

We know every mama has different preferences, but if you need some inspo to get started, keep reading to learn our favorite non-toxic baby products for incoming little ones.

While this post was initially created after our co-founders Kelly and Allison welcomed their first babies in 2016, we have updated it extensively in 2022 with the help of our third co-founder Marilee, and our Marketing Director, Carly, who is expecting her first child.


Our Criteria

We rigorously vetted each of these products based on standards Marilee laid out for us. While we can’t avoid every synthetic fiber or plastic item, we worked diligently to ensure these products do not have any of the following: 
  • Synthetic flame retardants 
  • Formaldehyde 
  • Added biocides or mildew resistant chemicals
  • Stain resistant, water resistant chemicals - PFAS
  • PVC or Polyvinyl Chloride
  • Harmful VOCs: Note that new materials may need a time of outgassing until there is no odor. Also, products may pick up additional VOCs during shipping and storage that will need to be eliminated by outgassing in the sun.
  • Harmful SVOCs: This would be from biocides, mildewcides, fungicides, BPA, phthalates, flame retardants, and PFAS chemicals.

Special Consideration

  • BPA and Phthalates: BPA (used in hard plastics) and phthalates (used in soft plastics) are especially difficult to completely avoid in products such as strollers, car seats, and high chairs. Reduction of exposure to BPA in a car seat can be done by airing the car out a few minutes before driving and dusting and routine vacuuming of the area.

To learn more why we choose to avoid these toxins in baby products, read How To Vet Baby Products here. Now let's get into our baby registry:

Non-Toxic Baby Gear

What we avoid in car seats and strollers: With car seats and strollers, we try to avoid any that are treated with flame retardants or PFAS chemicals. Learn why here

If you already have a carseat that is treated with these chemicals, we recommend vacuuming the car seat regularly with a HEPA vacuum as well as airing out the car before long road trips when exposure is increased.

Non-Toxic Car Seats

Our go-to non-toxic car seats include: 

1.The Britax Endeavors Infant Car Seat in Otto

2. Britax Advocate ClickTight Convertible Car Seat in Otto

3. Uppababy Mesa V2

4. Clek

5. Nuna

Allison: I’ve used both and enjoyed the Britax car seat, and I love the price point. I’ve used the Uppa car seat with my other babies (because it is part of the UppaBaby System which is great for two small kids), and do note that the “Henry” is the only one that doesn’t have flame retardants (instead it uses wool, which is naturally flame-resistant).

(Britax now has the fabric Otto which is washable and does not have flame retardants. Their Endeavors Infant Car Seat in Otto for infants is the least expensive option we've found without flame retardants. You can use their guide HERE to further vet which of their offerings do not have added flame retardant chemicals.)

Carly: Nuna is the only carseat company that is entirely flame retardant free and we are so impressed by that! They also do not use PFAS or any other waterproofing materials. I registered for the Nuna Pipa Lite but please note the differences between being able to install with or without a base. Definitely suggest going with one you can install without a base, as this has been a large pain to deal with that I didn't initially realize! For more specifics on car seats that are flame retardant free, we highly suggest this article from Natural Baby Mama

Everyday Non-Toxic Strollers

For non-toxic strollers, we have two favorites:

1. Britax B-Agile, Bumbleride Era

2. Guava Roam

Allison and Kelly used the Britax with the infant car seat adapters before their daughters were able sit in it directly.

Allison used the UPPAbaby Vista V2 with her second because it’s great for toting two around. She prefers to just sling her 3rd baby so doesn’t use a stroller unless exercising, and then she uses the BOB with the car seat attachment. 

Carly: We recently discovered the Bumbleride strollers and are impressed with their safety rating and non-toxic materials. They are flame retardant and PFAS free and offer some great organic cotton inserts. I love the versatility of the Era Stroller which is why I added it to my registry, along with the Organic Cotton Infant Seat Insert

Umbrella Stroller:

*Note: this is something you wouldn’t use until baby is at least 6 months

Kelly: I actually didn’t register for one of these, but unfortunately our B-Agile stroller got stolen (such a bummer), so I got the UPPAbaby G-luxe umbrella stroller since my daughter was almost walking. 

Jogging Stroller: BOB Revolution Flex or Bumbleride Speed

Kelly: We used the BOB with the car seat adapter when my first two babies were little. Looks like they have an updated 3.0 model now. It’s a great running stroller, especially for bumpy trails, but not easy to tote around. Many don’t need more than one stroller, especially if you go with one like the UppaBaby Vista, which has pretty good shocks. I recently started using and loving the Bumbleride Speed and plan to use the infant insert for my third baby on the way. 

*Notes on The Doona infant car seat:

Carly: When I first started putting my registry together, friends with new babies were adamant that I had to put the Doona infant car seat/stroller on the list. I had seen many people endorsing it and raving that it was a game changer with their newborns. Unfortunately, when I started to dig into the materials and safety standards, it became apparent that we would not be able to endorse this product. The Doona does use flame retardants and has poor crash safety data. Canada actually banned it because of the safety ratings.

We are not about bashing any company -  we love the concept and hope Doona will work to upgrade their safety ratings and materials so we can add them to our list.

For the time being, although convenient and trendy, we didn’t add this to our registry. 

Non-Toxic Pack-N-Play

For pack-n-play stations and travel cribs, our two favorites are the Nuna Sena or the Guava Family Lotus Travel Crib.

Although heavier, we really love the Nuna. The Guava Family Lotus Travel Crib is a lighter option to consider, but we suggest using a 100% cotton mattress cover to negate potential static electricity. 

Non-Toxic Baby Bouncers

For baby bouncers, we recommend using the BABYBJORN Bouncer Balance Cotton or the Charlie Crane Levo Rocker.

We used the BabyBJorn bouncer quite a bit, even for naps from time to time! It is super light, folds flat and easy to tote around. There is no vibrating/bouncing, which means no electromagnetic fields associated with it from batteries or a plug. 

Allison: I always prefer having baby on the floor (practicing tummy time!) allowing for full movement (vs in a “container”) in order to develop the strength and coordination to learn new skills like rolling, sitting, crawling and walking. With each child, I have learned more about the power of allowing babies to move freely and the positive impact it can have on their motor and brain development.

I have witnessed this first-hand with moms who practice “floor time” vs using a container and the results are mind-blowing in terms of baby reaching milestones. BUT, bouncers/containers are sometimes necessary. This product is a must if so! It’s the only thing I’ve put my babies in besides a sling and a car seat. 

Carly: I love the look of the Charlie Crane Levo Rocker so I added it to my registry. After communicating with Charlie Crane, I was excited to learn that it is free of flame retardants and stain resistant treatments.  

Non-Toxic Highchairs

Some of our favorite, affordable high chair options include:

1. Ikea Antilop

2. Stokke 

3. Phil & Ted’s Lobster

4. Ingelsia High Chair for travel and/or home use 

Allison: I used the inexpensive Ikea one and then transitioned to the Stokke when my first turned one, because she was outgrowing it and wanted to sit at the table with us. The Stokke is awesome in that it grows with the child, from babyhood to toddlerhood.

Baby Jumper/Seats

Allison: While jumpers and seats are so convenient and babies generally like them, I personally avoid them because they can work against a baby's motor skill development and place extra pressure on areas that aren’t strong enough.

Instead, we opted for placing them on the floor with mobiles/activity gyms and, if need be, the Baby Bjorn bouncer, which allows them to sit slanted on their backs (vs seats like the Bumbo). Plus, in no time, they were sitting on their own and so it was “gear” we didn’t think was necessary to buy. Here’s an article if you want to learn more about that.

Once baby can stand, we recommend the Merry Muscles if you do want a jumper. It looks a little outdated but is the best we’ve found for not putting stress on the baby's delicate, developing structure. 

Kelly: I used the Merry Muscles sparingly once my daughters were ready for it. 

Non-Toxic Baby Diapering

Non-Toxic Diaper Pads

Our go-to is the Naturepedic Organic Cotton Contoured Changing Pad.

We love that you don’t need to use a cover on this, but can simply wipe clean.

Non-Toxic Baby Wipes

Here's a great article by MadeSafe and Consumer Reports on non-toxic baby wipes: How to Choose Baby Wipes Without Harmful Chemicals

Some of our most-used wipe options are:

1. Charlie Banana

2. BumGenius

3. Honest Company Dry Wipes

4. Woopsie Dry Wipes

For the first month or two we both used BumGenius and Charlie Banana reusable cotton wipes. We folded them and put them in this container with filtered water.

After use, we placed in this drawstring bag and then washed them on a pre-soak cycle in hot water. The diaper changes at that stage weren’t too messy and gross and it seemed wasteful plus not as pure to go through packs of preserved wipes.

If you don’t want to have to wash, you could also just use the disposable dry wipes instead. We keep them near a sink and just wet them with water.

We like adding coconut oil to their bottoms after wiping because it helps create a moisture barrier that protects the skin and also makes the next diaper change easier.

Wipes are tough because of the preservatives used. Having fiber as a breeding ground for mold to grow, stronger preservation is required. There are no perfect options.

Since the most sensitive skin on a baby is where a baby wipe is applied, if the wipe has preservatives or other harmful chemicals, the uptake of the chemicals is enhanced. With wipes, we always try to avoid citric acid and sodium benzoate.

Non-Toxic Baby Diapers

Our favorite baby diapers include:

1. Kudos

2. Coterie

3. Believe Diapers

4. Eco Pea Co

5. Andy Pandy Diapers

6. HealthyBaby

Kelly:  Green Mountain Diapers is a great resource for those who want to cloth diaper. More power to the moms that cloth diaper! It just felt a little too overwhelming for us.

Esembly diapers are also a good option.

Unfortunately conventional diapers are typically made with some nasty chemicals and chlorine bleach. There are many factors to consider even with diapers being sold as "non-toxic". Companies are trying hard to do better!

We suggest using these two informative guides when choosing what works best for your baby. 

Diaper Pails

The Dekor was great until the poop diapers were really stinking from solid foods, starting around a year. The plastic would absorb the odor and every time we opened it, even for literally one second, the whole room would smell like poop.

We polled our wonderful Instagram followers and Ubbi was the top recommendation by far. Dyper also has an option but we haven’t tried it firsthand. 

Diaper Bags

For a non-toxic diaper bag option, we love Fawn Design.

Kelly: I’ve used this bag for years - even as a travel bag for my computer when I didn’t have my baby with me. I love that it has the side strap and backpack option. I will say though, I also found myself, especially with my second child, just throwing a small bag with the essentials in a big tote or in my purse, rather than a specified diaper bag. But we do love this option if you are wanting to have a diaper bag with all the pockets. 

Diaper Creams

Some natural and non-toxic diaper cream options are:

1. Coconut Oil

2. Primally Pure Baby Balm

3. Yoro Naturals Manuka Honey Cream

Kelly: I really didn’t have to use diaper cream. I rubbed coconut oil on a clean bottom, which essentially created a barrier and also made diaper clean-ups super easy! I did have Honest diaper rash cream on hand though. In the case of diaper rash, I would always recommend first looking at mother’s diet if breastfeeding (harmful chemicals in the diet and dairy are common culprits), formula intolerances, scented diapers and scented wipes, as these are often the biggest contributors. 

Allison: I also never had the need to use any diaper or rash cream for my babies, but if I did, I’d stick with coconut oil or Primally Pure Baby Balm, which can be used on just about anything mom-and-baby-related, including nipples. :) 

General Non-Toxic Baby Essentials

Baby Swaddles

Our favorite non-toxic baby swaddles are the Ergobaby Swaddler, Muslin Blankets and the Miracle Blanket.

Kelly: I used the cotton Ergobaby Swaddler as well as 100% cotton muslin swaddle blankets to loosely swaddle some in the early days during the day. Pehr, Little Unicorn and Aden + Anais have some super cute muslin blankets and I ordered some organic ones from Amazon. But I didn’t swaddle much since I personally prefer co-sleeping in the side-lying position during the night, and my babies slept during the day without needing to be swaddled. I like giving them the chance to freely move and build up their muscles. 

Allison: I loved the Miracle Blanket with my second and it’s been used by a lot of our friends with great success, even for twins! My babies all prefer sleeping on their bellies (this is not advice, just what I do), so we didn’t swaddle much but instead practiced safe belly sleeping (hard, organic surface and while watched). 

Baby Clothes

Cotton, cotton, cotton. For clothes, we stuck to 100% cotton. Again, mostly organic, but not always. Why? Because cotton breaths! Finn & Emma, Jamie Kay, Colored Organics (on Amazon), Burt’s Bees, Pact, Milk Barn, Under the Nile, Hannah Anderson, Gap, Kissy Kissy… there are plenty of great options and tons of boutique brands, too.

We also recently discovered the TØY brand and love their soft, organic cotton onesies that use no unnecessary chemicals or dyes. We also love the sleepers from Piglet in Bed

Allison: Kate Quinn and Jamie Kay are two of my favorites, and if you follow them on social media, you can be apprised of frequent discounts.

Non-Toxic Slings and Carriers

We love Sakura Bloom Scout, Sakura Bloom Ring Sling, Artipoppe or Nuna CUDL.

Carly: With baby carrying, we suggest opting for natural fibers and fabrics like cotton or linen. You can do a quick Etsy search to find many options and there are even some great choices on Amazon. While we haven’t tested these out ourselves, Boba and Baby K’tan make natural material options that look wonderful. We have also heard good things about the Nuna Cudl 4-in-1 for bigger adventures/hikes. 

Allison: I loved the Sakura Bloom with my second and have been borrowing the Artipoppe from my sister in law with my third and absolutely love it. The Sakura Bloom is wonderful and provides support, however the Artipoppe has more low back support which takes pressure off my upper back/neck. As baby gets bigger, this is helpful for me as I struggle with upper back/neck weakness

Structured Baby Carrier

The Tot Pack is our favorite non-toxic carrier option. 

Allison: The Tot Pack is a brand new carrier for babies and toddlers - we've been waiting on for quite some time. I am SO ecstatic to have it available just before my third baby. It’s structured and goes on the back much like a hiking carrier, but it’s specifically designed for ease of use and comfort around the home, park, etc. It’s the perfect way for a caretaker to “do life” (ie, housework, cooking, tending to other kids) while baby is being held... and able to observe, take naps, etc. 

Baby Monitors

Allison: I very rarely use a monitor, and haven’t used one at all with my second or third babies, but with my first, we were in house where I couldn’t hear her as well, so we used the NUK BabyPhone monitor because it has low EMFs, only transmitting data when baby moves. However, it is unfortunately no longer available in the U.S.

Motion also does not use any Wifi or Bluetooth.

Kelly: I never really needed a monitor for our house, and once I transitioned away from co-sleeping, I slept better cracking my daughter’s bedroom door and leaving our bedroom door open than I did with the monitor. Every little noise on the monitor would wake me up or I’d be worried it wasn’t going to work right or something. I do have the NUK though if I ever need it during the day while traveling. But even then, I usually sit inside during naps or there’s someone inside I ask to let me know if they hear baby, so I only use it when necessary. 

Carly: Unfortunately this is a very tough find, as most baby monitors emit EMFs that we would absolutely want to avoid near our babies. We’ve been working closely with August from TechWellness on the best solutions and are so appreciative for her insights. 

If you absolutely need a monitor (a lot of times you don’t!) we suggest you work to hardwire it and not use WiFi. Here is a great article on how to do that and the most current device that allows you to turn off wireless and hardwire. This video helps display the difference between wired and wireless with these monitors.

While we haven't personally tried them, we recommend checking out Techwellness' Baby Monitor System and this Low EMF Baby Monitor (should be used as a second choice).

We understand that sometimes you need a wireless option (especially when traveling) but we suggest you always use those sparingly. 

Pacifier: Natursutten and Bibs

Thermometer: Exergen Comfort Scanner

Nail Trimmer: Little Martin’s - we love this little device.


Bottles: Lifefactory or JoovyBoob

Kelly: Lifefactory

Allison: Any glass bottles with platinum or food-grade silicone nipples. My second and third babies haven’t taken bottles, but my first drank from different brands. 

Bottle Warmer: Kiinde Kozii  - you can heat glass bottles directly in the warmer 

Milk Storage: 5 or 8 oz glass jars off Amazon (or simply save your glass food and drink jars/bottles while you wait for baby to arrive) and if you need a non-glass option for traveling or low storage-space, we like a 100% platinum grade silicone option like these.

Bibs: Austin Baby Co

Burp Clothes: We got these simple muslin ones off Amazon. 


Bath Wash/Shampoo: Dr. Bronner's All-In-One Fragrance-Free Baby Pure Castile Soap bars and liquid is a wonderful naturally-fragrance-free, citric acid-free, 100% liquid castile soap that's perfect for baby's sensitive skin.

We also like Primally Pure's Baby Soap Bar made with Goat's Milk and Coconut Oil.

However, these options are not tear-free.

For the best tear-free bath washes, we recommend looking for fragrance-free or unscented EWG-Verified products or those rated 1-2 on EWG's Skin Deep.

Note: It is difficult to find citric acid-free tear-free baby wash products because of its use as a preservative (and it's one of the safer and more natural preservative options for water-based products), so be observant of how they react with your baby's skin. This is why Dr. Bronner's and Primally Pure are our top choices, but we understand the need for tear-free products too!

Some examples include:

Bath FilterIf you don’t have a whole house water filtration system, you can reduce your baby’s exposure to chlorine by the use of a shower filter or bath ball. Also, newborns rarely sweat or get dirty enough for a daily bath. Soaps and bathing too frequently can dry out your baby’s skin. One to three baths per week during the first year is typically enough. 

Bath Toys: Elegant Baby and ScandiBorn (we suggest the 100% silicone or 100% rubber)

Bath Towels: Anything 100% cotton, preferably organic, is great. Natemia towels are super thick and cozy and hold up well for years. We also love Weezie towels, which make a great gift if you want it personalized. Spearmint Love and Piglet in Bed have cute options too.

Moisturizer: Natural oils

We switched between coconut oil, sesame oil, Primally Pure Baby Oil and Luminance Body Lotion since it’s good to give the body variety (just like we don’t eat the same foods everyday all day). And really the most important way to keep their skin healthy is to make sure baby is getting good, beneficial fats and oils through breastmilk and, later, solids. 


Co-sleeper / Bassinet: BabyBay or Design Dua Moses Bassinet

We got the SnuzPod in 2016 but unfortunately the materials and quality have changed since we purchased it. They now use flame retardants on the mesh and the mattress so we highly recommend against this purchase. BabyBay is a great option that is similar.  

Carly: I was so disappointed to learn about the Snuzpod’s materials, as it was what I wanted to purchase. I made this known to the company. We suggest that you call and let Snuzpod know you decline to purchase as well.  If we, the consumers, let companies know what we want, they will make changes.  

After a great deal of research and back and forth with Marilee, we landed on the BabyBay co-sleeper and the Design Dua Moses Bassinet (along with their stands) as great options. 

Both BabyBaby and Design Dua bassinets come with a foam mattress that is free of flame retardants. We would opt for the Organic Kapok mattress for the Moses Bassinet and off-gassing the BabyBay mattress in conjunction with using all natural bedding. 

The Charlie Crane Kumi cradle also has the option of an organic mattress. 

Postpartum update from Carly: We ended up borrowing the BabyBay from a friend and it was by far our most loved newborn item. With a husband who was unsure about co-sleeping and a dog that sleeps in our bed, we felt so much more comfortable having her on her own sleep surface but so close. For the first 3 months our daughter slept in the babybay co-sleeper peacefully, and I found it seamless to roll over and pick her up for nursing. Highly suggest this beautiful bassinet for the newborn stage!

Hack: To stretch the "life" of the babybay, I suggest purchasing the BabyBay Maxi in case you have a taller baby or a newborn that grows quickly. 

Allison: I sleep right up next to my babies (side-lying nurse position) because that’s what’s easiest for us, and for naps we also just use our adult mattress or crib mattress. So we actually decided to splurge on a SavvyRest king mattress (we had a Queen) when we found out we were pregnant with our third because it would be her bed, too.

Contoured Lounger: Snuggle Me Organic

Allison: While Snuggle Me no longer makes the wool option that I have, we still like their loungers that use GOTs organic fabric for the outside and are filled with polyester fabric. I use this with my second and I’m in love with how it fits to my baby’s body, recreating that “womb” feel. It can be used for 0-9 months.

Crib Mattress: Avocado, Savvy Rest, Holy Lamb Organics, Naturepedic and Lifekind

The mattress is arguably the single most important item you choose for your baby. We wanted to make sure where our babies were sleeping every day and night was as safe as it could be.

We chose to get an inexpensive crib from IKEA (the Sniglar, a great, solid wood crib) in order to get the best mattress. Also, a good mattress lasts a long time so multiple children can sleep on it and then still be passed down to a friend or family member to also use with their baby(ies). 

Even though organic and natural, we still aired it out a few days and washed the covering in the washing machine.

Carly: I opted for the Avocado Crib Mattress which is still a fantastic option and a bit more affordable. 

A few other options to consider are Savvy Rest, Holy Lamb Organics, Naturepedic, and LifeKind.There are even some great options on Etsy with the search “organic baby mattress.”

Mattress Protector: Holy Lamb Organics, Savvy Rest, LifeKindAvocado Mattress and Coyuchi.

Crib Sheets: CoyuchiAden & Anais Piglet in Bed (100% cotton only)

Crib: Sniglar by Ikea

We prefer solid wood over metal cribs, as metal can increase electromagnetic fields. Look for solid wood over manufactured boards like MDF and particleboard, which emit formaldehyde from the glues used.

However, if you already have a bed made with a manufactured wood, you can use Ecos Anti Formaldehyde Paint or AFM Transitional Primer and Paint to reduce formaldehyde emissions.

Sleep sacks: Wildbird Linen Padded Sleep Sack, Touched by Nature Organic Cotton Wearable Sleeping Bag

Nursery & Play

Toys: Spearmint Love, Alexa James Baby and Scandiborn have so many cute options. Etsy too.

We love the Kathe Kruse dolls/loveys, as well, because they meet EU standards of no phthalates or BPA used, unlike many of the dolls today that not only contain plasticizers, but also added fragrances. We also love EcoBaby Dolls. 

Night Light: All of our babies sleep in the dark, but we have a salt lamp for soft, warm lighting when putting down at night. They also make salt lamp night lights.

Air Purifier: Austin Air Healthmate and Aireox

Blankets: Willaby, Gray Heron Home, Zestt Organics 

While these blankets are an investment, they are beautiful pieces that can last for generations. 

Related Reading: Creating A Non-Toxic Baby Nursery

Organization & Miscellaneous Items

Kelly: I love a solid wood latter to organize diapers, wipes and even a change of clothes for the downstairs of our house, so that I can quickly and easily do a diaper change without heading upstairs. I got mine from World Market a few years ago but they no longer have the exact model. There are also great options on Etsy.

Carly: We have a small home so I want to stay as organized as possible with baby clothes and diapers around the house. I’m excited to use these to organize my chest of drawers and try basic wire baskets and these bins for around the house.

We recommend outgassing any new items in the hot sun until they do not smell before storing them in your home.  

One Final Note

We hope this takes a little stress out of prepping for your precious baby.

Please note we chose some of these products in 2016, and made conscious efforts to update in 2022, but materials continue to change often.

We always recommend asking companies directly for their most up to date product information. We also know there are plenty of new great products on the market. Let us know if you have any questions or tips for creating a registry… we’d love to hear from you!

*This information was updated spring of 2022. We encourage you to be your own advocate and continue questioning these brands as ingredients and materials are subject to change, which is why we put together this resource for vetting products."


Kelly Love

Kelly Love

Kelly is proof that switching to a pure, natural lifestyle is powerful even for those who consider themselves healthy. She’s experienced how much our everyday choices impact our quality of life and is passionate about helping others see and feel the connection. She lives in Jackson, Mississippi with her husband and two daughters.