The Life Changing Power Of Tossing The Toxins
By Marilee Nelson |

Earlier this year, Noelle Haddad came to us with a variety of health issues including constant stomach aches, frequent sinus infections, painful periods, mood issues, sleeping issues, fatigue, brain fog, allergies and digestive issues.
The first thing we thought to do? Help Noelle toss the toxins.
She had never heard of toxic body burden and the importance of removing synthetic chemicals from the home and diet.
We were so passionate about working together and improving her health that we decided to film and document her #TossTheToxins journey for everyone to see!
Watch her incredible story:
The biggest change we made was removing products from Noelle’s home.
We went through her home using our toss the toxins guide, which included toxic synthetic cleaning products, pesticides, laundry products, synthetic fragrance (candles, perfumes, scented trash bags), personal care products, pantry and fridge products.
We also focused on food packaging (removing her plastic water bottles and plastic food storage), and Noelle started drinking filtered water, only in glass.
Slowly over time, Noelle introduced safer products into her home to replace the others, however this whole process was more about removal than anything!
Here are Noelle's test results after tossing the toxins:

For more, check out behind the scenes with Noelle and our founders!
How To Get Started Tossing The Toxins:
An Overview: #TossTheToxins To Create A Healthy Home - a great place to start!
Check out our #TTT tag in our Wellness Center for more articles like the following:
Toss The Toxins - Food And Pantry
Toss The Toxins - Feminine Care
Toss The Toxins - Synthetic Fragrance
Toss The Toxins - Personal Care
...and much more!

Marilee Nelson
Marilee Nelson is an Environmental Toxins expert who has spent nearly 30 years advocating for the chemically-sensitive and chronically-ill. She is a Board Certified Nutritionist, Certified Bau-Biologist and Bau-Biology Inspector and specializes in Food As Medicine. She has helped thousands of families and individuals identify, heal and recover from toxic exposures and is on a mission to revolutionize the way American families view their health.