A Radiation Detox Bath: Salt & Soda Soak
By Marilee Nelson |

This salt and soda soak is a radiation-neutralizing bath designed to help you detox and to clear your system of ionizing radiation, a particularly invasive environmental factor that can devastate your immune system. A salt and soda soak is an ideal way to detox after taking a long airplane trip.
Flying on an airplane increases your exposure because you are exposed to high levels of gamma-ray radiation at high altitude levels. In addition, if you go through the full-body back scatter X-ray scanner, you will expose your body to small, bioaccumulative doses of ionizing radiation.
The Federal Aviation Administration and the U. S. Department of Transportation have stated that radiation exposure from flying can increase risks if you are a frequent flyer, pregnant, a pilot, or an airline crew member.[1]
This bath can also offer support after medical X-rays, dental X-rays, CAT and PET scans, and other medical diagnostic tests that expose the body to ionizing radiation.
What Is Ionizing Radiation?
There are two types of radiation: ionizing and non-ionizing radiation.[2]
They can both be natural or human-made, but ionizing radiation is the type that's strong enough to knock electrons out of atoms and comes from things like air travel, nuclear disasters, and radiation-emitting medical devices like X-rays.
Non-ionizing radiation isn't as strong but can move or vibrate electrons within an atom. It comes from cellphones, WiFi, radiowaves, microwaves, and visible light.
The salt and soda soak we're about to share has been used to help the body alkalize after ionizing radiation exposure.
Do You Even Need To A Radiation Detox?
Every time we share this recipe on social media, it creates a bit of backlash because people aren't convinced that:
#1: That they even need a radiation detox
2: That this recipe has enough scientific backing to work
We'll address these concerns now starting with #1: do you even need a radiation detox...or is that just fear-mongering?
The topic of how everyday radiation impacts our health is a fascinating and highly controversial one.
You have some experts insisting the radiation levels we're exposed to in modern life from airplane flights and medical tests like X-rays, scans, etc. are not contributing to chronic diseases.
On the other side, you have experts saying that the effects of radiation exposure are cumulative. That is why in medical settings careful monitoring and shielding precautions are taken when X-rays and other tests that emit ionizing radiation are administered.
So, who's right?
In my research on this topic (which has been extensive throughout the years) and experience as a practitioner, it is my opinion that it's wise to exercise the precautionary principle.
It is a known fact that ionizing radiation is harmful to your health via its disruptive effects on cell and DNA function. We know this because of research conducted on victims of nuclear disasters like Hiroshima and Okinawa.[3]
This is why radiologists leave the room when they run their diagnostic machines and why we wear lead aprons when we get an X-ray, for example.
And we already mentioned the warnings about the damaging effects of radiation from frequent flying on certain at-risk groups.
However, some studies also suggest that the average person won't be harmed by this type of low-dose radiation any more than they would be by spending a day at the beach and absorbing the sun's natural radiation.
Although I agree there is something to this point if you're talking about taking an occasional flight or single medical diagnostic procedure (and we're all for that!), the truth is we're not exposed to just a little bit of radiation these days.
This is why so much research is being done on the possible connection between increased radiation exposure (both ionizing and non-ionizing and the significant increases in cancers and other chronic conditions.
So, is more research needed? Absolutely, because this level of exposure is a new phenomenon, and learning about its nuances will take time.
However, it is well established that ionizing and non-ionizing radiation can be harmful to your health either in large doses at one time or low doses over time.
Based on this, it makes sense to mitigate this exposure whenever possible, and a simple radiation detox bath is a great way to do this without disrupting your lifestyle.
How Does It Work? Radiation = Acidic, Salt & Baking Soda = Alkaline
Moving on to the second question: is this recipe backed by science?
To our knowledge, no one has even conducted a scientific study on this old naturopathic remedy.
First, baking soda and salt are extremely cheap, easy to find, and non-patentable. Therefore, it is unlikely a study will be funded on such products (high-quality studies cost millions of dollars to execute and are usually funded to create something patentable).
Second, the idea of a radiation detox is not widely accepted by the mainstream, so there's not much incentive to study its effects yet (we hope this will change).
That said, some research explains how this combination may work, which aligns with the naturopathic principle.
According to traditional naturopathic principles, radiation is acidifying to the system, but a salt and soda soak, which is highly alkaline, helps neutralize this effect.
Baking soda has been shown to create a more alkaline environment, which is conducive to healing and detoxification.
As such, it has been used in various studies, including cancer trials, to help reduce acidity of tumors and improve the effects of drugs, for example, which gives the body a fighting chance at recovery.[8]
It's also been shown to have protective effects on the kidneys in the presence of uranium. The kidneys are one of the body's main filters responsible for eliminating various toxins.[9]
Iodized salt (potassium iodide) has been shown to be effective in protecting against radiation due to its iodine content. This isn't typically recommended for radiation exposure by mouth because who could or should eat that much salt?![10]
However, when used in a bath, it can be absorbed by the skin.
In fact, any iodine-containing ingredient, like sea vegetables, is an excellent addition to this salt and soda soak.
This radiation soak can be done two to three times per week to help counteract the radiation and eliminate toxins from the body’s largest organ, the skin.
If you recently traveled on an airplane, this salt and soda bath can be particularly helpful in neutralizing your radiation exposure from the flight. Take the radiation bath as soon after the flight as possible, especially when you return from your trip. If possible, continue taking a salt and soda soak daily for a week following your trip.
When to Try a Salt and Soda Radiation Detox Soak
- after airplane travel
- after a medical x-ray
- after a dental x-ray
- following CT or PET scans
- following any diagnostic tests that expose your body to radiation
Salt and Soda Radiation Detox Soak Instructions
- Dissolve one to two pounds of iodized sea salt* with one to two pounds of baking soda in a hot bath. Use more for a larger bathtub.
- Soak for 40 minutes with most of your body submerged. If the water is too hot, you may experience dizziness or fatigue. Use a meat or candy thermometer to measure the water temperature – do not go over 104 degrees Fahrenheit.
*Use common iodized sea salt (sodium chloride) salt, not Epsom salt (magnesium chloride), for this bath. Morton’s iodized sea salt or Hain Iodized Sea Salt are common options sold in most grocery stores.
Look for pure salt on the ingredients (no additives).
Other options include mixing salt from a feed store (ground to a fine consistency), or coarse salt used for water softening (sold in 25-50 pound bags). However, be aware that coarse salt will be harder to dissolve than the other options.
- If you are feeling very weak, start with 100 degrees Fahrenheit or below.
- If you feel like you need to get out because it is too hot, add cold water until you are able to relax and enjoy the bath.
- If you have a weak heart or if you get palpitations, you should not submerge your chest during the bath.
- If you become dizzy or experience rapid heartbeat during the bath, slowly get out of the tub with someone’s assistance.
- If you have any reason to believe that the bath may not be right for you to do, please consult with your doctor before attempting to take one.
- If you do not have a water filter for your bath tub, you can neutralize chemicals, chlorine and chloramines in the water by adding Microhydrin. Open up five capsules of the supplement directly into the bath water before you add the salt or baking soda.
Detox for a Healthier Lifestyle
Traditional naturopathic remedies, like detox baths, can be beneficial for reducing the body’s exposure to harmful radiation.
By following the salt and soda soak listed in this article, a detox bath may help draw out radiation and impurities from the body.
These baths also promote relaxation, circulation, and enhance the body’s natural detoxification processes. Salt and soda soaks can be a complementary practice to other healthy lifestyle activities.
For more tips on living a healthy lifestyle, check out:
- The Power of Slow for a Healthier Life
- What We Do When We Get Sick
- Your Quick Guide to Vetting Dietary Supplements
Sources Mentioned In This Article
1: "Radiation Exposure Seen as Posing Risk For Airplane Crews". New York Times.
2: "Radiation Basics". United State Environmental Protection Agency.
3: "Ionizing Radiation and Human Health: Reviewing Models of Exposure and Mechanisms of Cellular Damage. An Epigenetic Perspective". International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.
4: "Diseases Associated with Ionizing Radiation Exposure". US Department of Veteran's Affairs.
5: "Ionizing radiation and health effects". World Health Organization.
6: "Idiopathic environmental intolerance attributed to electromagnetic fields (formerly 'electromagnetic hypersensitivity'): An updated systematic review of provocation studies". Bioelectromagnetics.
7: "Radiation in medicine: Origins, risks and aspirations." Glob Cardiol Sci Pract.
8: "Does Baking Soda Function as a Magic Bullet for Patients With Cancer? A Mini Review". Integrative Cancer Therapies"
9. "A Study Of The Acidosis, Blood Urea, and Plasma Chlorides in Uranium Nephritis in the Dog, and of the Protective Action of Sodium Bicarbonate". J Exp Med.
10. "What is potassium iodide and can it help with radiation?" Medical News Today.

Marilee Nelson
Marilee Nelson is an Environmental Toxins expert who has spent nearly 30 years advocating for the chemically-sensitive and chronically-ill. She is a Board Certified Nutritionist, Certified Bau-Biologist and Bau-Biology Inspector and specializes in Food As Medicine. She has helped thousands of families and individuals identify, heal and recover from toxic exposures and is on a mission to revolutionize the way American families view their health.