How To Get Started With Your Branch Basics Kit
By Marilee Nelson |

At Branch Basics, we don't just believe in making high-quality cleaning products. Our products are the vehicle for our mission to help people experience the power of pure by tossing the toxins and creating a healthy home.
We are so happy you are here and can't wait to embark on this journey toward a healthier home together! By taking that first step of transitioning to safer cleaning products, you're already making positive change in your health.
Conventional cleaning products, like the ones we all probably grew up with, are actually toxic to humans, our environment, and animals. The endless chemicals in these cleaning products have been shown to contribute to ill health effects such as allergies, cancers, endocrine disruption, respiratory issues, neurological difficulties, and more.
It is essential to remove these products from our home to improve our indoor air-quality and health!
If you're here, chances are you already know this, but we have a wealth of knowledge on our blog digging into these chemicals and their adverse effects.
In this blog post, we are breaking down the Branch Basics Starter Kit so you can best understand your new cleaning routine! Below are all our favorite tips, tricks, and frequently asked questions.
The Concentrate
The Concentrate is a multi-purpose formula that can be used for everything from laundry to cleaning toilets. It’s a powerful plant and mineral-based formula that can be diluted to create a range of cleaning products for various surfaces and purposes.
Simply fill the Branch Basics reusable bottles with Concentrate and water, using the fill lines on the bottle, to create the different solutions.
This singular Concentrate is able to replace virtually all the toxic cleaning products in your home so you can clean without compromising your health!! When you run out, all you have to purchase again is the Concentrate, as you will refill your bottles again and again.
The Oxygen Boost
The Oxygen Boost is a human-safe brightener, deodorizer, and stain remover that is especially powerful when used in tandem with the Concentrate. Use in laundry, for grout, on tough stains, pots & pans and more. No bleach, ammonia, fragrances or dyes. For more information on how to use, check out our OB page with everyday uses.
Bottle Filling
Steps to fill your Branch Basics Bottles:
- Pick a bottle and fill to the “water” line on the label.*
- Fill with Concentrate to the “soap” line on the label. Slowly top it off with water.
- Gently shake, and you’re ready to start cleaning!
*Note that all bottles can use tap water to fill, except for the Streak-Free. We recommend using distilled water in your Streak-Free bottle for efficacy and preservation purposes.
Using your own bottles? See the ratios here.
Quick Tips
Here are a few tips when using Branch Basics to ensure success for all your cleaning needs:
1. Test first
Before using Branch Basics on a surface, test in an inconspicuous area first to make sure it does not lighten fabric or leave water marks.
2. Use straight Concentrate
All-Purpose spray not cutting it? Try your Bathroom bottle in the kitchen, on a stain, or outside. Still not enough power? Try straight Concentrate!
3. Too soapy or leaving residue
If you are finding a certain solution is too sudsy or leaving a residue on the surface, dilute the solution further with water or opt for a less concentrated bottle.
4. Dwell time
For tough cleaning jobs, let Branch Basics sit for a few minutes after spraying before wiping or scrubbing. Try longer for heavy-duty messes.
5. Microfiber cloths
Using Branch Basics products with microfiber cloths is great! Our products loosen up dirt, grime, and germs so they can be wiped easily away by microfibers.*
*If you use microfibers, we recommend washing them in Guppy Bags to reduce micro plastic pollution of our waterways and oceans.
FAQS / Frequently Asked Questions
1. Is Branch Basics a sanitizer or disinfectant?
Branch Basics REMOVES germs. Sanitizers and disinfectants KILL germs while leaving them in place.
Read How to Naturally Disinfect Surfaces for when and how we recommend safety sanitizing.
2. Can essential oils be added?
Yes, but with caveats. Know that our first choice is fragrance-free. If you do choose to add essential oils, we recommend starting with 5-10 drops then add one at a time until you reach your desired scent. Adding essential oils may make our product an eye irritant, and possibly a respiratory or skin irritant. We recommend using only organic or wildcrafted essential oils processed without solvents.
3. Is Branch Basics safe for babies and pets?
Yes, our products are safe for babies and pets. Our ingredients are selected with the most chemically sensitive in mind.
Read The Journey To Our New Formula to learn more about our ingredients and non-negotiables.
4. Is Branch Basics safe for my septic system?
Yes! Branch Basics products can safely be used with septic systems.
Versatile Uses
Branch Basics is so versatile, it’s one of the top reasons people love it!
Hardwood floors
Only very diluted solutions of Branch Basics should be used on sealed wood because a more concentrated solution could break down the finish.
Always test it in an inconspicuous area before cleaning the entire floor, and minimize use of the solution on the wood floor by spraying All-Purpose onto a slightly damp mop to clean the floor.
If using a mop and bucket method, use 1-2 teaspoons Concentrate per gallon of water.
For more, visit our Synthetic Chemical-Free Floor Cleaning Guide and this video.
Hand washing dishes
One way to hand wash dishes with Branch Basics is to spray the All-Purpose or pump the Foaming Wash directly onto the dish. Then scrub, rinse, and dry. For stuck on food or grime, leave the solution to dwell longer before rinsing.
Another way is to soak the dishes. Spray about 10 sprays of the All-Purpose solution or add 1 tsp Concentrate into the sink or mixing bowl. Add hot water, agitate to create suds, soak dishes in solution, then rinse and dry.
Check out our video on hand washing dishes with ease.
Tile and grout
Spray grout with Bathroom solution. Mix Oxygen Boost and water in a small bowl. Using a brush, scrub mixture on grout, adding more spray as needed. Let sit 10 minutes or more before wiping up or rinsing.
Visit our in-depth blog post for more tile and grout cleaning tips!
To spot clean, spray stain with All-Purpose and agitate. For extra cleaning power, sprinkle Oxygen Boost on top and continue to agitate. Wipe and vacuum excess. Do NOT let Oxygen Boost sit on colored carpet long as it can lighten the color. Test a small spot first if unsure.
In a carpet cleaner, use a very diluted solution in the machine. Use 1-2 teaspoons Concentrate to 1 gallon of water.
Check out this video for step by step instructions!
Laundry with Branch Basics
The same Concentrate used for the spray bottles is also used to fill your Laundry Bottle. Branch Basics is also more concentrated than typical laundry solutions, so keep in mind you need a lot less liquid per load!
Conventional detergents are a concoction of fragrances, endocrine disruptors, neurotoxins and potent cancer-causing chemicals. Most detergents even have signature fragrances which are designed to impregnate and stay in clothes. If you used fragranced detergent before, it also can take time to get used to your clothes not having that “fresh linen” or “lavender” smell that we may associate with cleanliness. The truth is these fragrances often contain harmful chemicals that are undermining our health. Clean shouldn’t have a smell!
Branch Basics is fragrance-free and completely natural, safe for you and the entire family!
Standard Machines
- Add one scoop of Oxygen Boost to the drum
- Add laundry and turn on water
- Pour ¾ capful of the Laundry Solution directly into the water and wash as normal
HE Machines
- Add one scoop of Oxygen Boost to the drum
- Add laundry
- Pour ¾ capful of the Laundry Solution directly into the detergent dispenser and wash as normal
Typically, if stains are properly pretreated, 1 teaspoon of Branch Basics Concentrate or 3/4 - 1 capful of the Laundry Solution is adequate even for larger, tougher loads.
Rather watch how-to do laundry with Branch Basics? For step by step, you can watch this video!
Note: Local water quality varies by municipality and regions. “Hard” water (high in minerals) will require more Concentrate than “soft” water. For more tips on using Branch Basics cleaning concentrate with hard water, check out our User Guide.
Ready to toss your old laundry detergent? Learn more here about how to vet laundry products.
- For stains, or particularly greasy laundry, pre-treat by spraying All-Purpose on the stain, agitating, then, if necessary, soaking 15 minutes to overnight.
- Machine wash per instructions above. If the stain is not gone - do not put in the dryer.
- Repeat process or for extra stain boosting power. Add OB to the soaking water or add a sprinkle of Oxygen Boost to the stain and wet with All-Purpose spray, agitate, and follow the same procedure.
- Please note: Oxygen Boost can lighten fabrics, especially if it dries on the fabric. Test an inconspicuous area for compatibility with OB. Leave OB on fabric for only 5-10 minutes and do not let it dry.
Note: See our full Stainmaster Guide to learn the ins and outs of many common (but tricky) stains. Again, hard water may make a difference in your cleaning experience.
Take Human-Safe Cleaning Further
Want even more human-safe cleaning products in your household? Try our other products and accessories!
Want to Learn More?
If you're just starting your human-safe journey, just keep repeating to yourself "toss the toxins"! What do we mean by this?
Removing toxic cleaning products from your home, not just adding safer ones, is truly one of the best and easiest things you can do to improve your home’s air quality and your family’s overall health. Learn more about the power of removal and what products should be tossed here.
Want more cleaning and usage tips? Check out our Premium Starter Kit User Guide with more details on our products and how to clean specific items.
More of a visual learner? Here is our YouTube channel with video how-tos and tips!
Be sure to sign up for Concentrate and Oxygen Boost subscriptions to ensure you never run out of Branch Basics and save 10% on each order!

Marilee Nelson
Marilee Nelson is an Environmental Toxins expert who has spent nearly 30 years advocating for the chemically-sensitive and chronically-ill. She is a Board Certified Nutritionist, Certified Bau-Biologist and Bau-Biology Inspector and specializes in Food As Medicine. She has helped thousands of families and individuals identify, heal and recover from toxic exposures and is on a mission to revolutionize the way American families view their health.