Branch Basics Laundry Instructions

By Marilee Nelson |

Branch Basics Laundry Instructions

Using human-safe laundry products is not just a product choice; it's a commitment to your health and wellness of your family!

Conventional laundry detergents often contain a cocktail of harsh chemicals, fragrances, and synthetic additives that can be absorbed by your skin and inhaled during use.

This can lead to a range of health issues, including skin irritations, allergies, and respiratory problems.

On the other hand, using Branch Basics for laundry ensures your cleaning with an ultra-gentle, human-safe formula. You can rest easy knowing you're making a safer choice for you, your family, and the environment.

By choosing safer ingredients for your laundry routine, you're taking a crucial step towards a healthier and more sustainable lifestyle.

At Branch Basics, we have two safe and effective laundry products to choose from. In this article, we'll outline the two of them and share directions on how to use them for safe, fresh, and clean laundry!

1. Branch Basics Laundry Detergent Instructions

Our Laundry Detergent powder is incredibly convenient and simple to use, requiring just one scoop per load with no additional products needed.

Instructions: To use, add 3/4 scoop of powder into detergent drawer. If your washing machine does not have a detergent drawer, add 3/4 scoop directly into the drum before adding laundry.  For large or heavily-soiled loads, add 1-2 scoops.  As always, follow your manufacturer guidelines if they recommend specific usage for powder. 

Our Laundry Detergent is truly so convenient and as easy as that! 

For stains: The Laundry Detergent powder is extremely effective at removing stains in cold and hot water. However, as with any laundry detergent, you may still need to pre-treat tough stains on some fabrics.

If you find that a stain has not been removed after washing, do not dry the garment. Treat the stain (see our Stainmaster Guide), and rewash.

The Laundry Detergent powder can be used directly on stains to pre-treat. Just sprinkle on some detergent, spritz the detergent with some All-Purpose spray, agitate and let sit for 5-10 minutes.

Do not allow the Laundry Detergent powder to dry on the fabric. Proceed to soak the stain or wash as usual after 5-10 minutes.

2. Branch Basics Concentrate Laundry Solution Instructions 

These laundry instructions are the method we suggest for incorporating Branch Basics Concentrate into your laundry routine using our Concentrate Laundry Solution.

General advice: Typically, if stains are properly pretreated, 1 teaspoon of Branch Basics Concentrate or 3/4 - 1 capful of the Laundry Solution is adequate even for larger, tougher loads.

Rather watch how-to do laundry with Branch Basics Concentrate Laundry Solution? For step by step, you can watch this video!

Branch Basics Laundry: STANDARD Machines

Branch Basics Laundry instructions for standard washing machines
  1. For top-loading machines, add one scoop of Oxygen Boost to your drum before loading laundry.
  2. Then add 3/4-1 capful of the Laundry Solution to your washing machine.
  3. Add your laundry and wash as you normally would.

Branch Basics Laundry: Front-Loading Machines

Branch Basics Laundry instructions for front-loading machines
  1. For HE (High Efficiency), first add one scoop of Oxygen Boost to the drum before loading laundry.
  2. Then pour a 3/4-1 capful of the Laundry Solution directly into the dispenser drawer.
  3. Add your laundry and wash as you normally would.

Note: Local water quality varies by municipality and regions. “Hard” water (high in minerals) will require more Concentrate than “soft” water. For more tips on using Branch Basics cleaning Concentrate with hard water, check out our User Guide.


  1. To pretreat stains, add 1/2 - 1 t. Concentrate or 2-4 ounces of All-Purpose solution to cold water in bucket or washing machine.
  2. Soak for 15-30 minutes or more… this does the cleaning!
  3. Agitate and rinse well or wash in the gentle cycle.

StainsFor stains, or particularly greasy laundry, pre-treat by spraying All-Purpose on the stain, agitating, then, if necessary, soaking 15 minutes to overnight. Machine wash per instructions above.

If the stain is not gone - do not put in the dryer. Repeat process or for extra stain boosting power. Add Oxygen Boost to the soaking water or add a sprinkle of Oxygen Boost to the stain and wet with All-Purpose spray, agitate, and follow the same procedure. 

Please note: Oxygen Boost can lighten fabrics, especially if it dries on the fabric. Test a small inconspicuous area for compatibility with OB. Leave OB on fabric for only 5-10 minutes and do not let it dry.

For best results, pre-treat stains with Branch Basics Concentrate that is diluted with distilled or filtered water rather than tap water. For more information, check out Optimize Your Branch Basics Cleaning Experience.

Whitening & Brightening with Concentrate Laundry Solution

For extra whitening and brightening, we recommend teaming Branch Basics Concentrate with one of the following to help keep whites white and to brighten clothes:

1. Branch Basics Oxygen Boost: 1 scoop (included) per load - great for neutralizing odors, deodorizing, whitening, and brightening.

  • If you’re nervous that Branch Basics will lighten clothing or materials, test for colorfastness first. Soak new brightly colored clothes in a gallon of water with 1 cup white distilled vinegar and 1⁄4 cup salt. Let soak 24 hours. Rinse. Place garments in clean water to see if any dye is released. If so, repeat process for vibrant colorfast clothes that won’t fade or bleed on to your other laundry.

2. Baking soda: ½ to 1 cup per load to neutralize odors, soften fabrics, and boost cleaning.

3. “20 Mule Team Borax”: ½ - 1 cup per load.

4. Arm & Hammer Super Washing Soda Detergent Booster: ½ cup per load.

5. 3% Hydrogen Peroxide—for white loads ONLY: 1 cup per load.

  • For top-loading machines: add whites and put machine on soaking function, letting the machine fill with water. Then pour in 1 cup of 3% Hydrogen Peroxide. Agitate the whites in the water a bit, and let soak for several hours, then wash as normal.
  • For front loaders or top-loaders without a soaking function, follow the same instructions in a sink, then add to your machine.
  • *Caveat*: The peroxide will bleach other clothes! Branch Basics Oxygen Boost is a safe way to brighten and whiten without bleach.

To reduce wrinkles, lint and static without using toxic dryer sheets and fabric softeners, check out the advantages of wool dryer balls.

Further Reading

See our full Stainmaster Guide to learn the ins and outs of many common (but tricky) stains. Note: hard water may make a difference in your cleaning experience!


    Marilee Nelson

    Marilee Nelson

    Marilee Nelson is an Environmental Toxins expert who has spent nearly 30 years advocating for the chemically-sensitive and chronically-ill. She is a Board Certified Nutritionist, Certified Bau-Biologist and Bau-Biology Inspector and specializes in Food As Medicine. She has helped thousands of families and individuals identify, heal and recover from toxic exposures and is on a mission to revolutionize the way American families view their health.