How to Wash Slippers: Tips for All Fabric Types

By Marilee Nelson |

How to Wash Slippers: Tips for All Fabric Types


Slippers come in many different shapes and fabrics, requiring tailored care and cleaning for each.


For example, sheepskin-lined slippers need extra special hand washing, while cotton slippers can be tossed in the washing machine.


Knowing how to clean each type properly can make all the difference in their longevity and comfort.


In this article, we’ll show you how to wash your slippers using Branch Basics and other human-safe ingredients, regardless of the fabric.

How to Wash Different Types of Slippers

Cleaning different types of slippers is easier than you might think! Whether you’re cozying up in cotton, leather, or sheepskin, we’ll show you how to wash slippers so they stay comfy and clean.


For an in-depth guide on how to use Branch Basics Laundry, check out Branch Basics Laundry Instructions.


But before we dive in, here are a few general tips to ensure your slippers are getting extra clean before and after you wash:



  • Spritz a microfiber cloth with All Purpose and wipe down the soles to loosen and remove any mud or dirt.
  • Use a soft-bristled brush or dry microfiber cloth to dust off the exterior.
  • Pre-treat stains. Because different cleaning methods work for different types of fabrics, we recommend following our complete guide: How to Get Stains Out of Everything with Branch Basics.

    Note: Always pretest fabrics in an inconspicuous area for compatibility, and wash according to the care instructions on the manufacturer’s label.


Slippers come in many different shapes and fabrics, requiring tailored care and cleaning for each.

For example, sheepskin-lined slippers need extra special hand washing, while cotton slippers can be tossed in the washing machine. 

Knowing how to clean each type properly can make all the difference in their longevity and comfort.

In this article, we’ll show you how to use Branch Basics and other human-safe ingredients to wash your slippers, no matter the fabric.

How to Wash Different Types of Slippers

Cleaning different types of slippers is easier than you might think! Whether you’re cozying up in cotton, leather, or sheepskin, we’ll show you how to wash slippers so they stay comfy and clean.

For an in-depth guide on how to use Branch Basics Laundry, check out Branch Basics Laundry Instructions.

But before we dive in, here are a few general tips to ensure your slippers are getting extra clean before and after you wash:


  • Spritz a microfiber cloth with All Purpose and wipe down the soles to loosen and remove any mud or dirt.
  • Use a soft-bristled brush or dry microfiber cloth to dust off the exterior.
  • Pre-treat stains. Because different cleaning methods work for different types of fabrics, we recommend following our complete guide: How to Get Stains Out of Everything with Branch Basics.

    Note: Always pretest fabrics in an inconspicuous area for compatibility, and wash according to the care instructions on the manufacturer’s label.


  • Always make sure your slippers are completely dry before wearing them. This will help reduce the chance of bacteria growth and odors later.
  • If odors linger even after washing, try sprinkling the interior with Oxygen Boost or baking soda. Let sit overnight to absorb odors. Vacuum it out and repeat the process as needed.
  • Reshape your slippers and store properly. More on that below!

Now let’s look at the different types of slipper fabrics and how to clean each one using natural, human-safe products.

Cotton Slippers

Cotton slippers are soft, cozy, and durable. And, because cotton is a resilient fabric, they can be safely cleaned by either hand or machine washing.


Here’s how to wash cotton slippers:

To hand wash:

  1. Fill a sink or large bucket with warm water and 1 teaspoon of Branch Basics Concentrate, or a similar natural laundry soap. Alternatively, try mixing hot water, Branch Basics Laundry, and baking soda.

    Baking soda has many natural uses around the home. Read more in Cleaning with Baking Soda (Sodium Bicarbonate): 12 Surprising Uses.

  2. Swish the water to make it sudsy, then add the cotton slippers. Let soak for at least 30 minutes.
  3. Gently squeeze the soapy water into the slippers, working the material with your fingers to remove dust and dirt.
  4. Drain and refill with fresh, clean water. Rinse slippers well.
  5. Remove and press out the water. Roll in a thick, dry towel to absorb any excess moisture.
  6. Reshape and let air dry.

To machine wash:

  1. Machine wash cotton slippers with a small to medium-sized load of towels.
  2. Add Branch Basics Laundry, or your favorite human-safe laundry detergent, and wash in warm water on a regular cycle.
  3. When the cycle is complete, remove and roll the slippers in a thick, dry towel to absorb any excess water.
  4. Reshape and let air dry.

Suede Slippers

Cleaning suede slippers requires extra special care. To protect their soft texture, do not machine wash or soak suede slippers. Instead, spot clean as instructed below.

Here’s how to wash suede slippers:

  1. Use a soft-bristled brush or dry microfiber cloth to brush off any dirt or dust.
  2. Treat stains:
  3. For sweat stains, dip a microfiber cloth in pure white distilled vinegar and dab, gently working it in. If the stains are set in, try scrubbing with gentle pressure or a soft-bristled brush.
  4. For grease or food stains, sprinkle the stain with cornstarch. Let sit for 1 to 2 hours, or longer as needed, then brush the cornstarch off. Repeat the process until the grease is absorbed.
  5. Let air dry in a cool, dark room or in indirect sunlight, as direct sunlight may cause suede slippers to lose their shape.

Leather Slippers

To clean leather slippers, always handwash to prevent damage.

The washing machine’s agitator and moisture can cause irreparable damage, including loss of shape and cracking.

Here’s how to wash leather slippers:

  1. With a slightly damp microfiber cloth, wipe and remove any loose soil.
  2. Mix 2 cups warm water with 1 capful Branch Basics Concentrate, or an all-natural option like castile soap, in a bowl.
  3. Dip a clean microfiber cloth into the solution and wring it out.
  4. Working in sections, gently wipe down the exterior and interior of the leather slippers.
  5. If shearling- or sheepskin-lined, wash after the exterior is cleaned. See our cleaning instructions below.
  6. Buff dry with a clean and dry microfiber cloth.
  7. Condition and allow to air dry.

Fleece Slippers

Freshen up your fleece slippers with a quick clean using a gentle and mild laundry detergent.

As with other fabrics, handwashing is often the best option for preventing damage. But, most fleece slippers can be machine washed.

Here’s how to wash fleece slippers:

To hand wash:

  1. Fill a sink or bucket with warm water and 1 capful of Branch Basics Concentrate, or another mild washing detergent.
  2. Add the fleece slippers and, with your hands, agitate to loosen dirt and stains.
  3. Let soak for 5 to 10 minutes, or longer if needed.
  4. Drain and rinse the slippers in cool water.
  5. Gently squeeze out any excess water. Roll in a thick, clean towel to absorb extra moisture.
  6. Reshape and let air dry.

To machine wash:

  1. Machine-wash fleece slippers with a small to medium-sized load of towels or other fleece garments.
  2. Add a scoop of Branch Basics Laundry Detergent, or your favorite human-safe laundry detergent, and wash in cold water on a gentle or delicate cycle.
  3. When the cycle is complete, remove and roll the slippers in a thick, dry towel to absorb any excess water.
  4. Reshape and let air dry.

Wool Slippers

Wool is a durable fabric, built to last and withstand wear. With proper care and cleaning, you can prolong the life of your wool slippers for years to come.

Here’s how to wash wool slippers:

To hand wash:

  1. Fill a sink, large bowl, or bucket with lukewarm or cool water and ½ teaspoon Branch Basics Concentrate.
  2. Soak your wool slippers for about 15 to 30 minutes.
  3. Gently agitate to help remove dirt, odors, and soil.
  4. Rinse by hand under cool or lukewarm water.
  5. Gently squeeze (without wringing) out excess water. Roll in a thick towel to absorb excess moisture.
  6. Reshape and let air dry.

Shearling/Sheepskin Slippers

Shearling and sheepskin slippers are cozy, soft, and warm. And, because sheepskin contains lanolin, a natural oil that kills odor-causing bacteria and dust mites, washing them frequently may not be necessary.

But when the time comes, always hand wash with a mild, human-safe detergent, like Branch Basics, to prevent damage.

Here’s how to wash slippers lined with sheepskin or shearling:

  1. Mix 2 cups warm water with 1 capful of Branch Basics Concentrate, or your favorite gentle laundry soap, in a bowl.
  2. Dip a microfiber cloth into the soapy solution and wring it out.
  3. Gently dab and scrub the interior lining of the slippers until clean.
  4. Rinse the cloth well, then wipe the interior again to remove any soapy residue.
  5. Let air dry and deodorize as needed.

How Often Should I Wash My Slippers?

The answer is, it depends!

During high-wear seasons, like in the wintertime or whenever you’re wearing your slippers frequently, aim to clean them at least once a month.


Otherwise, plan to clean your slippers whenever they start to look dirty, are stained, feel damp, or begin to smell.

Prolonging The Life of Your Slippers

To keep your slippers looking and feeling great, consider these tips:

  • Clean them regularly.
  • Always air dry your slippers, as dryer heat and tumble drying can melt glues and cause the soles to detach from the fabric. It can also shrink some fabrics and warp their shape.
  • When you’re not wearing them, store your slippers with crumpled newspaper or paper towels in the toe. This will help maintain their shape.
  • To prevent odor, wear clean, dry socks with your slippers.
  • Most fabrics store well in sealed bags or boxes. Leather, on the other hand, needs to breathe, so plan to store leather slippers on a shelf or shoe rack.

Human-Safe Cleaning Made Easy

As you can see, it’s pretty easy to clean and wash slippers with human-safe, natural cleaning products, no matter what fabric they’re made from.

To learn more about Branch Basics’ human-safe, whole-home cleaning system, check out our Premium Starter Kits (available in glass or plastic), which contains everything you need to replace every cleaning and laundry product in your home.

Our Starter Kits come with the Branch Basics Concentrate (featured in this article), which can be made into All Purpose, Bathroom, Streak Free, Foaming Wash, and Laundry. We also include a full size bag of Oxygen Boost, which is excellent for stain and odor removal.

Looking for more ways to use Branch Basics in the laundry room? Check out our articles:


Marilee Nelson

Marilee Nelson

Marilee Nelson is an Environmental Toxins expert who has spent nearly 30 years advocating for the chemically-sensitive and chronically-ill. She is a Board Certified Nutritionist, Certified Bau-Biologist and Bau-Biology Inspector and specializes in Food As Medicine. She has helped thousands of families and individuals identify, heal and recover from toxic exposures and is on a mission to revolutionize the way American families view their health.