Endocrine Disruptors in Cleaning Products | Branch Basics

By Marilee Nelson |

Endocrine Disruptors in Cleaning Products | Branch Basics

Most of us think of our hormonal system in terms of puberty, reproduction, and perimenopause, menopause, or andropause.

However, our hormonal system, also known as the endocrine system, does so much more than dictate reproductive development and function.

For example, our endocrine system is responsible for producing various hormones that affect metabolism (insulin), stress response (cortisol), digestion (the gastrointestinal endocrine system), sleep (melatonin), appetite (leptin and ghrelin), and more.

Therefore, the domino effect can be significant when this system becomes disturbed or disrupted.

And one of the biggest modern antagonists of a healthy endocrine system are endocrine-disrupting chemicals, which are found in copious amounts in cleaning, personal care, and plastics.

The good news is it’s pretty easy to avoid these hormone-mimicking chemicals when you know what to look for. And when you remove them from your home, the body clears them quickly! The Hermosa Study illustrates that some chemicals start leaving the body in just three days!

In this article, we’ll share a brief introduction to endocrine-disrupting chemicals and teach you how to avoid them in common cleaning products.

What are Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals?

Endocrine-disrupting chemicals are synthetic (human-made) or natural substances that mimic human hormones.

Many people may be familiar with the work of Rachel Carson and her game-changing book “Silent Spring” which drew attention to the endocrine-disrupting effects of certain pesticides, most notably DDT, and helped lead to its ban in the United States.

In other words, these chemicals are really bad news.

Unfortunately, even with the ban on DDT, we are exposed to more endocrine disruptors than ever via our foods, cleaning, personal care, cosmetics, fragrances, plastics, clothing, flame-retardant chemicals, and more.

Most endocrine disruptors are considered xenoestrogens (xeno meaning foreign), which act like estrogens on the body. They do this by binding to estrogen receptor sites and inhibiting or proliferating the effects of this hormone.

I want to explain this more thoroughly because there is a lot of confusion about estrogen dominance and what causes this type of hormonal imbalance (hint: it’s not natural estrogen!).

So here’s the deal.

Naturally produced estrogen is a really good thing for women because it regulates our reproductive cycle, protects bone health, and plays a role in metabolism, energy, sleep, fertility, and much more.

Even men have small amounts of estrogen in their bodies.

However, when we take in xenoestrogens regularly through the skin, inhalation, or ingestion, they cause an imbalance of estrogen, which can lead to various unwanted symptoms of hormonal imbalance or “estrogen dominance” in all genders.

So, if you have hormonal issues such as endometriosis, PMS, PCOS, mood swings, blood sugar imbalances, fatigue, fertility issues, thyroid problems, weight issues, menopausal, andropausal, or perimenopausal symptoms, hormonal imbalances, signs of early puberty, etc., removing endocrine disruptors from your home can be life-changing.

This is also highly highly recommended for families with small children or couples who wish to become pregnant, as research has shown various endocrine disruptors can negatively impact fertility in men and women, pregnancy, various aspects of fetal, infant, and child development, and is associated with the increase in precocious puberty.

Although more research is needed, we have plenty of evidence to suggest removing these chemicals from your home is all reward with zero risk. So why wait?

Here’s how to get started by ditching and switching your endocrine-disrupting cleaning products for healthier alternatives.

Why are Endocrine Disruptors Used in Cleaning Products?

So, if these chemicals are so awful, why are they used in nearly all synthetic cleaning products?

I wish I had a satisfactory answer. But the truth is they are entirely unnecessary in cleaning products or any other product you would use in your home.

However, synthetic-chemical-based cleaning formulas use them for various reasons including: 

  • To scent their products

  • As sanitizers and disinfectants

  • As antibacterial agents

  • To preserve products

  • In packaging

Additionally, the manufacturing and degradation of certain ingredients, such as surfactants (ingredients that reduce the surface tension of water, allowing a product to lift and remove dirt) create endocrine disruptors, like 1-4 Dioxane.

Although the cleaning industry would have us believe these types of harsh and risky ingredients are essential for effective cleaning, they absolutely are NOT and never have been!

The plain truth is there are dozens or even hundreds of safer, low-tox, and natural cleaning ingredients that will make your home sparkling clean without wreaking havoc on your hormones.

We’ll discuss more about these options coming up.

Related reading: What Is 1-4 Dioxane In Cleaning Products?

Common Cleaning Products that Use Endocrine Disruptors

Endocrine disruptors are ubiquitous in cleaning products, which is why we highly recommend opting for natural, low-tox, and human-safe alternatives.

Some of the worst offenders include:

  • Fragranced cleaning products

    • This includes those scented with “natural fragrance” or even some essential oils, which research has now shown can also be endocrine-disruptive in nature. In addition, essential oils degrade plastic bottles, which increases the release of BPA, BPB, BPS, and other endocrine-disrupting plastic chemicals

  • Fragranced synthetic laundry products such as detergents, fabric softeners, stain removers, dryer sheets, laundry boosters, etc.

  • Antibacterial cleaners

  • Disinfectants or sanitizers, including those containing bleach, Quats, or anything that claims to kill 99.9% of germs

  • Cleaning or laundry products made with synthetic surfactants such as SLS, SLES, and others

As much as we like to avoid generalizations and blanket recommendations, most synthetic chemical cleaning products contain endocrine disruptors. 

This means your best course of action is to switch to human-safe, natural, and low-tox alternatives.

3 Ways to Avoid Endocrine Disruptors in Cleaning Products

Endocrine disruptors in cleaning products may seem like a big issue (and it is!); however, avoiding them is quite simple.

Here are three ways to avoid endocrine disruptors in cleaning products and create a healthier home.

Related reading: How To Avoid Endocrine Disruptors In Your Daily Life

Look for Cleaner Products

This is the obvious first step. However, finding clean products sans endocrine-disruptors can be more difficult than you’d think.

As we’ve discussed in previous articles, many brands marketed as green, organic, or eco-friendly still contain various synthetic chemicals, including endocrine disruptors like natural fragrances, surfactants, or even essential oils.

This is why we love MADE SAFE and consumer watchdog sites and apps like EWG’s Skin Deep Database and ThinkDirty.

All you do is plug in or scan a product of interest, and they will rate it for you on their toxicity scale.

If a product has an endocrine disruptor, like fragrance, it will be much higher on the scale.

  • For EWG, we only recommend using products rated “1-2”.

  • For ThinkDirty, we recommend using products rated “0”.

Branch Basics all in one cleaning system is another excellent alternative that contains zero endocrine-disrupting chemicals, including essential oils.

Our line was created to help streamline the process of switching from synthetic chemicals cleaners to human-safe and earth-friendly alternatives.

Just one Concentrate plus water in reusable glass or plastic bottles creates enough products (All-Purpose. Bathroom, Foaming Wash, Streak-Free, and Laundry) to clean your entire home and do your laundry!

How simple is that?

Plus, Branch Basics products are Made Safe Certified, ingredients are rated 1-2 on EWG Skin Deep, Leaping Bunny Certified, human-safe, 100% biodegradable, third-party tested as non-skin and eye irritants, and plant- and mineral-based.

To learn more, check out our Starter Kits.

Avoid Products with Fragrance

Eliminating fragrance is one of the most powerful steps you can take to avoid endocrine disruptors, clean up indoor air quality, and protect your health.

As discussed in previous articles, synthetic fragrances are one of the world’s top allergens and a hotbed of endocrine-disrupting chemicals like phthalates.

For example, just one synthetic laundry fragrance may contain dozens or even hundreds of undisclosed chemicals, many of which are often known or suspected hormone disruptors.

So, even if you’re not ready to break up with synthetic chemical cleaners, at least start buying unscented versions.

Again, the same goes for brands with “natural fragrances”, which, like natural flavors, are often refined using the same techniques as synthetic fragrances and can be endocrine disruptors.

We hate to put down well-intentioned companies that use essential oils instead of fragrance, but as discussed previously, we now know essential oils can disrupt hormonal function.

Overall, if you feel you must have a fragranced product, low-tox or natural cleaners scented with pure essential oils are a better option than synthetic or “natural fragrance”. 

Just be aware they can negatively impact endocrine function, especially if used regularly or around children.

Learn more in: Stop Using The F-Word.

Make Your Own Products

DIYing is a wonderful way to create healthy, safe, and natural cleaning products without spending a lot of money.

Some of the best natural and low-tox cleaning ingredients often come from your own cupboard, and include:

Note: Making DIY cleaners requires some care, as combining the wrong natural ingredients can result in toxicity.

For example, vinegar and peroxide must always be used separately and stored in separate bottles or they will create a toxic gas.

Click the links above to learn more about incorporating these natural ingredients into a low-tox cleaning routine.

Healthier Homes Begin with Branch Basics

At Branch Basics, we are on a mission to help people create healthier homes and bodies with human-safe and earth-friendly cleaning products.

As you’ve probably gleaned from this article, we are more than just another natural cleaning line, and it is our honor to share critical information like this to help empower people to reclaim their health.

If you’re looking for a human-safe, biodegradable, endocrine-disruptor-free cleaning line, we invite you to check out Branch Basics Starter Kits. 

Each Premium Starter Kit contains Branch Basics Concentrate, refillable glass or plastic bottles, and Oxygen Boost, a mineral-based bleach alternative, laundry booster, and stain remover.

The Concentrate is added to the refillable bottles then mixed with the recommended amount of water to create All-Purpose, Bathroom, Foaming Wash, Streak-Free, and Laundry.

This system is not only safe, natural, and simple, it’s super cost-effective.

Here’s what you get in a Starter Kit from just one bottle of Branch Basics Concentrate:

  • 3 All-Purpose Bottles @ $3.09 each

  • 3 Bathroom Bottles @ $6.18 each

  • 3 Streak-Free Bottles@ $0.49 each

  • 64 Loads of Laundry $0.26 per load

  • 3 Foaming Wash Bottles @ $3.09

Oxygen Boost is also included as an incredible natural scouring agent, bleach alternative, laundry booster, stain remover, sanitizer, soaking aid, and so much more.

All with zero endocrine-disrupting chemicals! So yes, it is possible to get an incredible clean without sacrificing your health or your home.

Ready to get started? Check out Branch Basics starter Kits available in refillable plastic or glass, and start reducing exposure to endocrine disruptors right now.

Or, see How To Get Started With Your Branch Basics Kit for a full video and written tutorial of how our system works.


Marilee Nelson

Marilee Nelson

Marilee Nelson is an Environmental Toxins expert who has spent nearly 30 years advocating for the chemically-sensitive and chronically-ill. She is a Board Certified Nutritionist, Certified Bau-Biologist and Bau-Biology Inspector and specializes in Food As Medicine. She has helped thousands of families and individuals identify, heal and recover from toxic exposures and is on a mission to revolutionize the way American families view their health.