21 Unique Ways to Use Branch Basics: Safe and Healthy Cleaning Hacks
By Marilee Nelson |

We always knew we had something special in two of Branch Basics’ flagship products: Concentrate and Oxygen Boost. We just never imagined (all these years later) that we’d still be discovering new ways to use them!
From kitchen to bathroom to skincare, here are 21 more ways to clean the safer, greener and healthier way.
New to Branch Basics? Get started with our Premium Starter Kit, which has everything you need to clean your home without harmful chemicals!
#1: Restore burnt pots to like-new condition
Oh how we all loathe burning our favorite pots and pans... especially the ones we've spent good money on. Fortunately, a little All-Purpose and Oxygen Boost will clean them right up.
- Spray with All-Purpose, then sprinkle half a scoop of Oxygen Boost on the bottom of the pot or pan.
- Cover with warm water and let soak at least 15 minutes or overnight.
- Scrub clean. Yes, it's really that easy!
#2: Get heavy fragrance out of clothing
Trading hand-me-downs for kids and buying used clothing is an awesome way to help save the planet (and some cash). The only downside can be the toxic fragranced laundry soap.
Here’s how to fix that:
- Air your clothes (preferably outdoors in the sun) for as long as possible. 12-48 hours is ideal. If the clothes are very fragrant, sun for as many days it takes to eliminate all or most of the odor.
- Soak your clothes in water with a scoop of Oxygen Boost and 2 tsp. Concentrate to help remove any lingering scents.
- Wash with Branch Basics Laundry plus a scoop of Oxygen Boost and add an extra rinse.
- Sniff them before drying. If the smell is still very noticeable, repeat washing. If it’s nearly gone, proceed to step 5.
- Let the dryer evaporate the rest (just keep windows open for good ventilation).
Get the full scoop in How to Remove Fragrance from Clothes and Hand-me-Downs.
#3: Remove remove mold and mildew from your shower
Many people presume bleach is the only solution for mold and mildew in the shower. However, bleach is no longer recommended by the EPA or OSHA for mold removal because it only kills surface mold while allowing sub-surface mold to fester.
What do they recommend instead? Good old hydrogen peroxide.
Here's how to use it with Branch Basics.
- Use Branch Basics Bathroom solution, Oxygen Boost + 3% hydrogen peroxide to eliminate mold on hard surface.
- Spray grout lines liberally with Branch Basics Bathroom solution.
- Sprinkle with Oxygen Boost. Wet the Oxygen Boost with a spray of Bathroom solution.
- Let sit 1-5 minutes (the longer the better).
- Scrub with toothbrush or scrub brush to remove mold.
- Rinse or wipe off with a microfiber cloth.
- Finish by spraying straight hydrogen peroxide on the grout lines (you can add a spray bottle cap directly to your hydrogen peroxide bottle to make this easy), and let dry.
Learn more in: How to Clean Mold on Bathroom Grout and Showers without Bleach.
You can also easily clean your shower grout to prevent mold and mildew build-up
- Make a paste of 1/2 a scoop of Oxygen Boost and saturate liberally with Bathroom Spray. Let the mixture sit for 5-10 minutes to create a paste.
- Spray grout with Bathroom Spray and let sit for 5 minutes.
- Using a brush, scrub the paste into the grout
- Let sit 5-15 minutes then rinse away.
Related reading: How To Clean Floors With Branch Basics
#4: Clean your patio furniture
Branch Basics is biodegradable and kind to the earth, so you can spray and use outside as you please.
To clean patio furniture:
- First wipe or hose down
- Liberally spray All-Purpose and let sit at least 15 seconds
- Wipe clean.
- Repeat if necessary.
Learn more in: How to Clean Outdoor Furniture | The Complete Guide to Refresh Your Patio
#5: Use as a face or body wash
Foaming Wash is not only awesome for hands -- it’s gentle enough to be used as a face or body wash, too.
The Mini Foaming Wash (available solo or in our Travel Kit) work great for travel as well.
#6: As an eye makeup remover and makeup brush cleaner
Eye makeup remover:
Foaming Wash is powerful enough to dissolve eye makeup but gentle enough to not sting. We even had independent third party testing that showed that Branch Basics is not an eye irritant!
Gently rub on the Foaming Wash onto eyes, as you would an eye makeup remover, and rinse away.
Makeup brushes:
For makeup brushes, lather up your makeup brushes with Foaming Wash, rinse (you'll see all the makeup rinse out -- wow!) and repeat if necessary.
#7: Shave with it
Did you know Foaming Wash works great for shaving?
Because it is so gentle on skin, you can use it directly on your face, underarms, bikini area, legs, etc. and shave away.
Follow with your favorite natural moisturizer to keep the skin hydrated.
#8: Restore your blender to like-new condition
If your love of green smoothies, homemade nut butters, and plant-based milks has left your high-powered blender a little stained and scuzzy, here’s how to clean it up:
- Spray sides with All-Purpose.
- Add 1/2 scoop of Oxygen Boost and fill with water.
- Blend briefly (optional). Avoid blending if using hot water.
- Let it sit and soak for 10 minutes to a few hours (depending on stains).
- Scrub and rinse.
#9: Clean the interior and exterior of your car
Branch Basics isn't just for your home, it also works wonders on the interior and exterior of your car or automobile.
For the Interior:
- Spray All-Purpose and allow grime to begin breaking down for a few minutes before wiping.
- Use a small brush or toothbrush for hard-to reach crevices.
Note: To prevent any potential mineral rings on the interior fabric, use distilled water.
For the Exterior:
- Fill a bucket with water and add ¼-½ cup of the All-Purpose solution.
- Use a sponge or rag to clean and rinse with a hose.
Spot clean bugs, bird droppings, tree sap, and tar with the All-Purpose, wait 30 seconds to help break down, scrub and rinse clean.
Note: Branch Basics emulsifies wax, so rinse immediately to avoid stripping waxed surfaces.
#10: Remove cooked-on stains from stove tops
Life can get especially busy around meal times, which can result in a neglected stove top. Here's how to clean it up without harsh cleaners.
- Spray with All-Purpose.
- Sprinkle Oxygen Boost & spray again to wet.
- Let sit for at least 20 minutes.
- Scrub clean with a rag or no-scratch sponge.
Additional tips for stubborn stovetop stains:
- You can also mix Oxygen Boost and All-Purpose in a bowl and scrub on the stovetop.
- The tougher the stain, the longer you'll want to let it sit.
- Try another round if needed!
#11: Use as a portable hand cleanser (and easily travel with it)
We've received so much love from our Travel Kit which has a TSA-approved All-Purpose, Foaming Wash, and Concentrate refill. It's ideal for cleaning hands while out and about.
Just spray or pump directly on grimey hands and rinse or wipe clean. This is an excellent alternative to hand soaps and sanitizers offered in public restrooms.
Extra tip: The Travel Kit's All-Purpose is also handy for cleaning up strollers, car seats, toys, etc. on the go!
Note: All-Purpose and Foaming Wash are NOT hand sanitizers*, instead they work by removing germs from hands and surfaces, just like washing your hands with soap. Learn about sanitizers and disinfectants.
*Although our Foaming Wash is not a hand sanitizer current studies show that soaps and cleaners like Branch Basics pack a one-two punch on many germs. First, they destroy pathogens with lipid membranes** by breaking down the fat layer that surrounds the virus or bacteria. This renders the virus or bacteria harmless! Second, ALL germs are removed from the hands by rinsing.
**This includes the Coronaviruses, HIV, viruses that cause hepatitis B and C, herpes, Ebola, Zika, dengue, and many bacteria that attack the intestines and respiratory tract.
#12: Deep clean children’s toys
Toys can get germy and grimey fast. Here's how to clean them safely and thoroughly without synthetic chemicals.
- Soak toys in water with Foaming Wash or a few drops Concentrate for 15 minutes or longer.
- Rinse and set out to dry in the sun.
Parent tip: This is a great way to have some fun with the kids on a sunny day. Just fill up some bins with the toys and Branch Basics and let the kids have a ball cleaning them.
#13: Use as a dishwashing spray
All-Purpose is so handy to have on your kitchen countertops for surfaces and dishes.
- Simply spray All-Purpose directly on dirty dishes, scrub, rinse, and dry... easy peasy (and great for sensitive skin).
Try out our dishwashing tablets which are designed to remove even the toughest grease and sticky messes.
#14: Wash your pet!
You read right. Branch Basics' ultra-gentle, fragrance-free formula is safe enough to bath your pets.
- Spray down your pup with warm water.
- Slather with Foaming Wash and work up a good lather.
- Rinse.
- Chase your dog around the house with a towel (or is this just us?!).
For more details, check out: How to Wash Your Pet with Branch Basics (The Natural Way)
#15: Clean your jewelry
No more need for special jewelry cleaner, Branch Basics cleans up rings, necklaces, earrings, etc. without harmful chemicals.
- Soak jewelry (rings, necklaces, earrings, etc.) in a bowl of water with a few squirts of All-Purpose (or Foaming Wash) for 3-5 minutes or overnight.
- Use a soft brush if necessary.
- Rinse and dry.
Note: Not recommended for opals and pearls.
Learn more in: How to Clean Jewelry With Branch Basics
#16: Treat pesky stains
Once you realize the power of Branch Basics for stain removal you'll never go back to the harsh stuff.
Here's how to remove nearly any type of stain without harmful chemicals.
- Spray stain with All-Purpose and agitate the fabric together with your fingers.
- Launder normally.
- For tougher stains, soak in a bowl or bucket with warm water, 1/2 scoop of Oxygen Boost and 1 tsp Concentrate overnight before laundering normally.
View our Stainmaster Guide to learn how to treat all stains (including tough ones!) on specific materials.
#17: Clean and degrease your grill
Grills can be cumbersome to clean and so easy to forget about (out of sight out of mind). Thus they are often neglected which leads to corrosion of parts of a shorter lifespan.
Here's how to clean your grill quickly and effectively using Branch Basics and a stiff brush.
- To clean a grill, spray All-Purpose liberally and let sit for 5-30 minutes to emulsify soot and oil.
- Using a stiff-bristle brush dipped in water, scrub briskly.
- Rinse clean! Your grill will look good as new and ready for next time.
#18: Clean your shoes
It's incredible how a little Concentrate and Oxygen Boost can bring a tired old pair of sneakers back to life!
To use:
- Soak in cold water with a capful of Concentrate and scoop of Oxygen Boost for a few hours.
- Remove shoes from water and wash shoes on a cold, gentle cycle with Laundry solution and Oxygen Boost.
- Once the cycle is completed, place in the sun to try.
#19: Remove germs from electronics (tablets, phones, TVs, & more)
No need for special electronic cleaners, just reach for Streak-Free or All-Purpose.
- Spray a microfiber cloth with Streak-Free or All-Purpose.
- Wipe.
For extra disinfecting, do an extra wipe with white distilled vinegar or hydrogen peroxide.
Learn more: Does Branch Basics Kill Germs?
#20: Clean your coffee maker
Regular cleaning of coffee makers helps increase their lifespan while improving the flavor of your brew.
How to clean your coffee maker, and remove stains, using Branch Basics + Vinegar:
- Add 2 oz.(1⁄4 cup) of All-Purpose solution or about 1 tsp of Concentrate to an empty coffee pot, then fill the remainder with water.
- Pour mixture into coffee machine and let it “brew”.
- When done, run a pot of plain fresh water through the machine.
Extra tip: Running a pot of fresh water with vinegar can also be helpful.
Struggling with removing old stains and residues in coffee pots and mugs?
Try soaking with a little bit of Oxygen Boost and Concentrate overnight. Then scrub clean.
#21: Make stainless steel shine!
Spray either Streak-free or All-Purpose to test which works best for your stainless steel.
Extra tip: distilled water works best for a streak-free shine.
Related reading: Cleaning Stainless Steel Naturally: 7 Simple Methods.
Toss the Toxins With Branch Basics
Now that you know Branch Basics can just about do it all, look for more! Join the party on Instagram @branchbasics for loads of helpful cleaning tips, and healthy home advice.
For more How-Tos, check out the Branch Basics User Guide.
For more information on safer and healthier cleaning swaps, visit the Branch Basics blog.

Marilee Nelson
Marilee Nelson is an Environmental Toxins expert who has spent nearly 30 years advocating for the chemically-sensitive and chronically-ill. She is a Board Certified Nutritionist, Certified Bau-Biologist and Bau-Biology Inspector and specializes in Food As Medicine. She has helped thousands of families and individuals identify, heal and recover from toxic exposures and is on a mission to revolutionize the way American families view their health.